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  • Writer's pictureWith Hannah

Clutter and feelings of shame.

Many of the clients I work with struggle with feelings of shame associated with their clutter.

piles of colourful crockery

The shame of clutter is so damaging it can become a secret that people hide behind; get stuck; and it feel they are no longer living a fulfilling life. They may be organised and efficient at work, but their home life can messy, disorganised and chaotic leading to them to not want to invite people into their homes. Their children may not invite their friends over and soon the clutter begins to have a negative impact on the whole family.

piles of books

I regularly hear from people who feel inadequate about their homes not being  picture-perfect and smooth running. My work with these clients is about helping them move past feelings of shame and removing feelings over overwhelm by supporting them to create a clutter-free, functional space. 

Some practical steps to move past shame and into action:

Investigate why - start to get vulnerable and work out why you find it difficult to let go of things. Try writing down what feelings come up when you think about your home. Often, putting your thoughts down on paper can help you get clear on what's behind the overwhelm.

Set some goals - small, manageable goals around clearing an area of your home (it can be one shelf, or one box) can help motivate you.

Ask for help - find someone (a friend, relative or professional) who listen empathetically to you and without judgement and who can support you practically to start letting your clutter go.

shelves full of plates and bowls


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